The SherpaReport in-depth "Destination Clubs & Residence Funds: A Guide for Prospective Members" has been extremely popular since we published the first edition in 2007. The newest version, which was updated this year, has been brought up to date with details on all the new clubs, merged clubs, new membership plans and services.

There are now over 20 clubs and most clubs offer multiple membership plans. Over the last year the leading clubs have continued to add homes and there are now destination club homes in over 25 countries. The clubs also offer membership plans at a variety of budgets and to fit a variety of lifestyles, and the average home values vary from about $1m to well over $6m. Some of the clubs also have partnerships with hotels and other residences to provide a wider variety of choices. The Guide compares all the various options, including rental based clubs and equity clubs, and just as importantly helps you identify if a club or fund is right for you and your family.

The Guide includes 2 sets of questions. The first set to ask yourself, to see if a club fits your travel patterns and lifestyle. The second set of questions are ones to ask the clubs that you're interested in joining, to make sure you find the right fit.

This 30+ page Guide can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format and then printed out, to make it easy to read and mark up.

Some of the enthusiastic comments from people who have downloaded and used the Guide over the years, are:

For somebody like me who's just starting to explore the subject, the report was very helpful.

  said B. Finnell of Rome, GA.

Thankyou. I really appreciate the work you did in putting this together

  said C. Barnes, of Denver , CO.

It was very useful in helping me evaluate the clubs, their options, and the list of questions to ask helped me analyze the myriad of options out there.

  said J. London of Dover, MA.


Here's where you can download the latest version of the Destination Club Guide.